Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cycling in Marin

You know you live in a great area to cycle when you randomly see professional cyclists out and about.

While out on our ride on Saturday I noticed a cyclist headed in the opposite direction and immediately knew it was a professional who had formerly been on the CSC team, however I could not remember his name.

Dian knew immediately. "That's David Zabriskie!!!" "GO DAVE!!!" (She's a bigger cycling fan than I am!)

How lucky are we? Now if only I would run into Ivan Basso...


Rick Gaston said...

He must have been moving pretty fast!

Grove Street Journal said...

He wasn't going super fast. He seemed to be riding with a woman, who was a little bit behind him.

Grove Street Journal said...

BTW, how do you stay up until 1 am?

Michele R. Unger said...

Um...isn't Ivan married? I seem to remember him wearing a wedding ring when we stood there, gaping at him and the other team members, yea these many months ago.....we stood there sooooo long that I seem to remember he wore a ring. It frightenes me to realize I still remember that. I still remember what he looked like. That's sick. I'm not a cycling fan! We stood there TOO LONG! (But it was fun.)


Grove Street Journal said...

Mother, you were such a good sport! ; ) Yes, we did stand there for a long, long while. 4.5 hours if I recall correctly. And, yes, Ivan is married. He's also in a lot of trouble at the moment. However, I would still love to see him cycle by.

Unknown said...

Dave Z was probably out riding with his wife. She went to Berkeley.

Rick Gaston said...

How do I stay up till 1AM, hmm...dunno just my body clock I guess. Have a great weekend!