Sunday, December 9, 2007

Turkey Whisperer

Dian is a turkey whisperer. If you think I am kidding, I am not.

Dian, Paul and I met at China Camp State Park for our long run this week. It was another gorgeous day in the Bay Area, but it was freezing - literally. The puddles in the trail were frozen.

The first twenty minutes of the run consisted of:

"Oh my gosh! It is FREEZING!"
"My legs aren't warming up!"
"My hands are frozen!"

(Mom, I know you are laughing. It's nothing compared to up there.)

Once we warmed up a bit, it was a perfect run. We ran together for the most part, which is always fun as our conversations never cease to entertain me.

While on the return, after a run-in with a deer that chased Paul, we stumbled upon wild turkeys on the trail. Dian started making turkey-esque noises at them and they responded with resounding gobbling. My first thought was how funny (thinking it was just random timing). She did it again and again they responded. This happened at least six times.

Those trail runs... I love them. Where else can you discover that your friend can talk to turkeys?


Rick Gaston said...

So Paul is a target for deer and his wife Dian talks to Turkeys, um nice. What were you doing:)

Michele R. Unger said...

You got that one right! It snowed this morning. (It didn't last but it did snow and the grass was all white.) Nice to know that Dian can talk turkey to the turkeys. Might be helpful for next Thanksgiving.....

Grove Street Journal said...

Ha ha ha... laughing at my friends. Or rather, let's say I was laughing WITH my friends.

I can't say I am too sad to have missed the snow. It would be wonderful for about a minute and then I would wish it was gone. Unless of course, there was a ton of it and I got out of work. JUST KIDDING (sort of).