Thursday, December 20, 2007


My holiday vacation starts this afternoon at approximately 5 pm and I cannot wait!

We have been so busy at work that even my "off" time is consumed with work (or the stress of thinking about everything I need to do). My clients seem to have already departed for vacation, which has allowed me to catch up a bit. Thank goodness!

While my family typically celebrates the holiday up in the "Great White North," most of my family is headed down to the San Diego area for Christmas, as my sister is pregnant and is consequently not flying. It's the first time my parents have not celebrated Christmas in Washington State, EVER, so it should be interesting to say the least.

I spent my Christmas holiday with my sister and family last year as well, and had a wonderful, incredibly relaxing time. We spent Christmas day on the beach, eating cookies (well, my niece ate sand). While I don't think that will happen this year, as all the parents will be there, I am very much looking forward to seeing my family and catching up on some badly needed sleep.

Happy holidays!


MomPhD said...

We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Mom is currently crossing the Oregon/California border at a cruising altitude of 33,000 feet. (In case you were wondering.)

Grove Street Journal said...

Yes, she was texting me from the airport. I think she's a little excited to see us.

I will see you tomorrow! Be ready to bake (or watch). ; )

Michele R. Unger said...

I am a little bit (maybe an iota) excited to see you!

Rick Gaston said...

mmm...I need the sleep as well. It's been non-stop since I got here Thursday but boy it's been great catching up with family and friends. Today I got to spend some time with a friend and his wife, it's been about 4 years since I last saw them. Now they have a 3.5yr old, crazy. Been drinking and eating a lot, also got to catch up on some badly needed massages - my poor body. Enjoy your time with the family. Merry Christmas.

Grove Street Journal said...

Rick, I am glad to know that you are working on putting on something to work off when you get back. : ) Ha ha ha. So glad to hear it's been a great trip so far. I hope it continues!

San Diego is BEAUTIFUL! I saw a million cyclists out this morning and was so sad that I didn't have my bike with me.

But, it's wonderful to catch up with the family and to SLEEP! : ) Yay!