However, today I was thrilled to discover there has been at least some measurable improvement in my fitness level.
Last winter, I started cycling training with Michael McCormack (aka "M2"), two time winner of Ironman Canada. Michael's cycling classes always prove to be a great workout.
As part of his training, we periodically test our maximum cycling power output. While I admit last year's testing performance was pathetic, this year's test was vastly improved. It was thrilling to finally see some measured gain resulting from my hours and hours of training.
This discovery has given me a renewed dedication to my training -- important as Ironman is merely six months away!
Excellent Jennie, good for you, and I can imagine a jolt of confidence for your upcoming ride to Santa Barbara....good stuff.
Keep at it.
Will G.
Will, thanks for the kind words!
Major change in plans - my coach pulled the plug on the Santa Barbara ride in favor of my marathon training, so instead I am doing the PCTR event this weekend. Are you doing it? If so, I will see you there!
Congrats, honey, on your improvement. I am so very happy to hear that all your MRSA troubles didn't undo all of your hard work and effort. You are amazing and I am very, very proud of you.
Well that's good you have a coach that knows what'll work best for you...have fun this weekend...first race of the new year for me will be the PCTR Pacifica 50K.
My training partner and I ran a 20+ miler yesterday in wind blown freezing rain throughout Huddart/Wunderlich Parks in Woodside...crazy, but awesome!
[So your mom is super sweet, funny, and a terrific artist...wow!]
Will G.
What?! M2 already did his threshold test?
What PCTR run? and Will doing a 50k for his first race of the year? Man I'm so out of the loop.
PCTR gave me a gift certificate for helping out last year, I'll use that like in February....did my first serious workout tonight, felt great but ways to go.
Where you you been? Ha ha... just kidding.
Welcome back from the other side of the world!!!
I am doing the PCTR Angel Island event this weekend with a bunch of people! A colleague, his wife and Jake, and possibly Paul, Dian, Ashli and/or Chris! Look what you started! : )
As for Will, well, you will have to talk to Will!
M2 waited until the second week to do a threshold test. How kind. Ha!
Wow so much going on.
I'm probably going to spend the rest of January lifting and running, getting some base underneath me before heading back to M2's and working out with people again. I don't want to go in too fresh or I'll get killed:) I know better.
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