Friday, October 26, 2007


Elisa FINALLY came home. She's been traveling for work and has not been home in five weeks.

In honor of her homecoming, we planned a little outing to catch up and opted to do so at a Halloween party with fellow GGTCer and friend Kristen Stanton.

Elisa and I were laughing from the get-go. Before we even arrived we both were itching to NOT go and discussed the fact that we would rather enjoy the evening dressed like freaks in a sushi restaurant. When did we get so old?

We rallied, as we were meeting Kristen, however, we did not last long. "I'm ready to go." We were home by 10:30. While the party was a bust, it was great to see Kristen and to catch up with Elisa. Elisa, I can't wait until you are back for good!


Rick Gaston said...

Swam with Elisa and Kristen a couple of times during the summer. Love the heidi locks.

Grove Street Journal said...

How was the run?

You can't see the whole outfit (for good reason), but I was Britney Spears circa "Baby One More Time."

There was a guy at the party as Britney "today" and he had a baby that he kept dropping. So funny.

Unknown said...

jeez. even I was out later then 10:30 last night and I "am" old. :) of course i was home by midnight because i turn into a pumpkin, but did manage to make it to the bike and bowl. :)

seeing folks I hadn't seen in a while on a social ride is good. back to base building next week.

Rick Gaston said...

I only lasted 45 minutes. I had to take a walk break half way through. My endurance gear didn't kick in until 28 mins had passed, at that point I felt like I could go forever but was thankful that forever meant only another 17 mins to the car. I'll take the cooler weather and hills any day.

Grove Street Journal said...

Ant, you'll have to send an update on the GGTC event.

Rick, I too prefer the cooler weather, but I don't know if I agree about the hills. Just kidding!

Jake said...

Gimme gimme more
Gimme more
Gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more
Gimme (Uh)

Your post was at 10:28 PM, that WAS a really late night out...

We need to swim soon. Wednesday?

Grove Street Journal said...

Ha ha ha... I love that you outed yourself as knowing the words to the latest Britney hit.

What can I say? I am lame.

Wednesday is a yes! I am healed! FINALLY.

Jake said...

Her new song consists of 1. 'gimme' and 2. 'more' It took me forever to learn the lyrics.

Pool Wednesday 6am, be there. We should all just be late for work and grab breakfast.

Grove Street Journal said...

Jake, I burst out laughing so loudly (this is a common occurrence) that my senior partner came over to tell me I was having too much fun at work. OMG.

I am always up for being late to work. : ) I will see if our partner in crime is game as well.