Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sausalito and Back

I have a tradition of running to Sausalito and back two weeks before a half marathon. The run is a 12-mile loop that I used to run with my old running partner.

I had been planning on running the Four Bridges Half Marathon at the end of the month, but was sure that race was out of the picture due to the events of the last few weeks. However, after yesterday's long ride I knew that if I could do my traditional long run today that all would be fine and that Four Bridges was not lost.

It is not lost.

As I am somewhat rational (I recognize that this is debatable), I have decided it probably not best to pursue a PR for a half during this race (which was my original goal). Regardless, I know it will be a fun day with Paul and Dian and a great training day. I cannot wait.

Chris, congratulations on the San Jose Half! You continue to amaze me. I love watching you succeed and can't wait to see you achieve all of your goals, training and otherwise.


MomPhD said...

Rational! Hahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!! My sister, the republican lawyer!!!

Whew. That was a good one.

Michele R. Unger said...

Yippee!!! I'm so very, very happy to hear that you had a good weekend, that you felt strong and that the nasty staph does not seem to have ruined your plans.

Your sister is mocking you....


Grove Street Journal said...

Yes, I have noticed.

It was a good weekend! I am a bit sore, but feeling good. Mom, thank you for all your well wishes.

Annie, PLEASE! I can't even begin to respond to you. ; )

Rick Gaston said...

So after all of that you are able to ride and run. Your base must be good. Are you really a Republican lawyer?

Grove Street Journal said...


I must thank Torsten for the base.

I was a bit concerned yesterday while running that I was being not so smart running so far after having not run at all, but I am happy to report today I feel just fine! I took it slow and steady, and that appears to have been the way to go.

Yes, it's true. Shocking, I know. : )