Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Resolution of Ridiculousness

Back in August one of my dear training mates was issued a citation for running a "red" light on his bike when he proceeded through an intersection on a yellow light. I was not happy.

Today the tables were turned. Now the citing officer is not happy.

We went to court today, after some fine cross-examination of the citing officer by the alleged defendant and subsequent witness testimony, the matter was dismissed. It took every ounce of decorum to not leap with joy when the judge announced his verdict. I managed to wait until we were in the elevator.

My favorite moment of the day: After the "trial," a Novato police officer who had appeared on another matter followed us out of the courtroom to congratulate us. He said, "I know what you two like to do for fun (cycling), but as soon as you started talking I knew what you did for a living."


Unknown said...

Nice! :) I'll be sure to bring you along if I ever need help with ticket.

Grove Street Journal said...

Ha ha! I am sadly becoming an expert...

Michele R. Unger said...

Take that, Zolt! Love,

Grove Street Journal said...

Ha ha... I would love to take Zolt down. Remember when he gave me a ticket IN THE DRIVEWAY for not signaling to turn onto 199th? PLEASE.