Friday, August 24, 2007

The Shatter Heard Across the Bay

It was...

About an hour after Paul told me he was going to Davis Wheelworks in a few days...

About five minutes after Chris departed to pick up his new bike...

And about 3 seconds after Christopher Kautz emailed me to let me know that the expected changes to the Geneo were simply new paint schemes...

... that someone scheduled a bike fit for next week.


MomPhD said...

And what was the shatter, exactly? Your checking account imploding?

Grove Street Journal said...
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Grove Street Journal said...

OMG, Annie, I am laughing so hard! Ha!

Rick Gaston said...

I am so dumb. I was checking for updates on the bike not realizing my bookmark was simply bringing me back to the post and not the homepage of the blog. Orange and black huh, love the rims on this one.

Grove Street Journal said...

Actually, I am having a heck of a time trying to decide what color to order.

There are WAY TOO MANY choices.

Currently I am leaning towards a green frame, but I change my mind daily. Disaster.