Sunday, June 22, 2008

It's Official...


Thank you to my family and friends for all your support.

Thank you to those of you who emailed, called, texted, send cards, gave me inspirational cards, cheered me on on the race course (Lindsay, Dana, Julia, Paul, Jim and Ginny)... it meant so much to me. Thank you.

Kara, you were a lifesaver today. Thanks for pacing me when I found myself with no power.

Paul and Dian, I am so thankful we all made this journey together. I love you both.

And Chris, well, there are no words.


willgotthardt said...

Awesome Jennie...congrats! Was thinking about how it was going for you throughout the day (left a comment earlier this evening a couple posts down).

Cheers, Will G.

MomPhD said...

Fabulous!!! What a tremendous achievement!

Rick Gaston said...

Woohooo. You are an Ironwoman!

Lavender said...

I am so proud of you!!! Congratulations on a spectacular achievement. John and I tracked your progress all day long!!!

Well, when's the next one!!???

Holly and John

Grove Street Journal said...

Holly and John,

Ha ha ha... I JUST had the "which one are we doing next" conversation with my friends Paul and Dian. We think next year we need a break, but the year after we are thinking Ironman Canada, CDA again or Lake Placid. Want to join us? : )

Thank you all, again, for all your support! It was awesome.

Michele R. Unger said...

Yippee!!! HURRAH! Huzzah!!! Congratulations on your achievement, honey. Your mother is very, very proud of you and very, very grateful it's over!

Love and hugs,

Unknown said...

Yeah Ironwoman! Signed up for another next year yet? ;-)

Grove Street Journal said...

Ant, not yet, but the idea has entered my head. : )

Jessica said...

Congratulations, Jennie! I don't know how you were feeling out there, but the smile on your face the entire run let me know you were hanging tough and strong! And seeing you always brought a smile to my face!

Its been great getting to know you during this Iron journey and hope to spend more time with you!

Unknown said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! I loved reading this. So excited for you! I am so proud of you.

Samantha said...

congratulations, jeddy!! i look forward to hearing more when you're not tired of retelling your IM stories. :) i say yes to IM in 2010! i was ready to sign up just watching you all progress online. see you Monday!