Friday, June 20, 2008

Rest Day

We were ordered to stay in bed as long as possible today. I tried and tried and tried to sleep in, but by 7:30 am I was UP.

After a huge breakfast, we drove the bike course. It is beautiful and green, but a bit hillier than I thought it would be. Apparently "rollers" in Idaho are a bit hillier than "rollers" in the Bay area.

Cheryl had left me a voicemail message asking what on earth we are doing these last few days before the race. We are resting and gearing up for Sunday, and I am trying to calm my nerves.

I am much less anxious today than I have been all week. I remain nervous, but am starting to get excited too. It's that darn super long run that has me nervous. A marathon on its own doesn't freak me out -- it's a marathon after biking 112 miles. Yikes!

Post course preview and lunch, Chris and I headed out for a little last minute gear retrieval and organization with his parents. We ran into one of my favorite GGTCers, Ryan, in the hotel lobby on the way out. Ryan is going to rock this race. I can't wait to see it.

Post shopping, we headed back to Chris' hotel to put our feet up and watch a movie. While resting we were spoiled with well-wishes from Ashli. Ashli, you are sweetheart -- thank you! You made our day!

For all of those back home, I also ran into Jessica today and she looks READY to go! Go Jess!

Chris' parents treated us to dinner again today -- this time at the Cedar's Floating Restaurant. It really was floating -- right where the Lake meets the river. I was surprised by how strong the current was. It was so strong when they sat us on the patio I thought that I might get sea sick. My favorite moment of the evening was the local who tried to whisk away Chris' mother and girlfriend. We also spotted a really funny license plate in the parking lot.

After dinner Chris and I headed back to the resort to attend the mandatory athletes meeting, where we found Dian. Not exactly exciting, but fun to see all the athletes. It's funny -- I recognize a lot of people from Wildflower and Oceanside.

Tomorrow morning we have a very short swim, bike and run, just to keep the muscles moving. They say the water will be about a degree warmer. We shall see!


MomPhD said...

Ahhh, 7:30... Sounds like sleeping in to me!!

Hope you're having a good muscle loosener this morning. Tomorrow's the big event! You're going to do so well!! I love you, sister!

Grove Street Journal said...

Thanks sister! : )

Send out good thoughts starting at about 5 pm until about 10 pm (I hope)... that's when I will be running! Love you too!

Michele R. Unger said...

It's hard to stay in bed, isn't it? I wake up at 5 every morning (well, just about) and I try to stay in bed until at least 6:30. It's not easy. I used to sleep for hours and hours, and Dad still does, but ths waking up early thing is hard to fight.

You look amazingly beautiful.

I will be sening out good, positive energy to you ALL DAY LONG.

Love you,

willgotthardt said...

Sunday 6/22


Hope your race went well today, meeting/exceeding any expectations...looking forward to the recap.

As of yesterday, I believe I own the national record for consumption of individual Clif Shot Bloks over a one-year period.

Will G.